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Midsummer Night's Run   [ book ]
Dispatched on a mission for evil museum curator Karver Craft, a Dark Fairy called Nero hunts the streets of Philadelphia for the curator's latest prize: a Faun.But finding the Faun is the easy part. Nero's greatest challenge will be returning the creature to the museum while dodging a menagerie of fellow denizens of the wild and whimsical fantasy world known as The Underland. Failure means one thing: taking the Faun's place, imprisoned among the shelves of The Museum of Mythological Wonders.


The Sprite Who Loved Me   [ book ]
Populated by elves, fauns, fairies, and other magical creatures, The Underland is an idylic fantasy realm of cool breezes and lollipop trees, where the weather has the constant feel of a midsummer afternoon. But dark forces are at work. When dozens of fairies are abducted by an unknown invader, it is up to Amber Flares, special agent of the Gnome Queen, to solve the mystery of their disappearance. Venturing to the Overworld city of Philadelphia, Amber embarks on an epic quest, and in the process, she unravels a sinister conspiracy that threatens the foundation of her world.

NOTE: This novel is a direct sequel to Midsummer Nights Run and contains spoilers.